Intestinal Fungus

15 Şubat 2018

Although there are 200 species belonging to the genus Candida, Candida albicans, which is responsible for 75 percent of fungal infections, is a sexually reproducing, diploid, yeast type fungus. It is one of the many microorganisms that live in the digestive system starting from the mouth. It is known that Candida albicans is present in the oral flora of 40 percent of healthy adults and in the vaginal flora of 20-25 percent of healthy women. Although it is a member of the flora, it is also the main causative agent of oral and vaginal opportunistic infections.
We know that the balanced environment created by all living organisms in a healthy organism is called flora. The most important flora for human health is the intestinal flora. Orthomolecular biologist Jeffrey Bland states that more than four hundred bacteria live in the intestines. The total weight of these bacteria is 1-1.5 kg, which is approximately equal to the weight of the liver. Bifidus and acidophilus bacteria exist side by side in a delicate balance in a balanced intestinal flora. Another important microorganism of the intestinal flora is Echericia coli, a strong pathogenic bacterium. Due to its pathogenicity, E.coli is the bacterium that is desired to be the least in number but indispensable for the balance of the flora.
The body's immune system and non-pathogenic intestinal flora bacteria keep Candida under control under normal conditions, and candida with its presence in the digestive system prevents the proliferation of other pathogenic bacteria. If this strong and delicate balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed for any reason, the opportunistic yeast Candida albicans begins to increase in number and the picture called candidiosis emerges.
Intestinal flora begins to form when the baby receives the mother's vaginal flora through normal delivery. Researchers have shown that between 80 and 90 percent of a newborn baby's bacteria are bifidus bacteria, and the number of friendly bacteria declines during the life journey from infancy to adulthood. The balance of the flora, which starts with birth and matures over time, is affected by all vital factors. Nutrition, water, drugs, stress, surgeries, immune system.
In candidiasis, Candida albicans, which is normally unicellular, gets out of control and turns into a multicellular, filamentous and invasive form. The filamentous form of Candida albicans can consist of both pseudohyphae and true hyphae. In addition to its filamentous shape, it also produces adhesins that bind to host tissues, proteases that both destroy and adhere to tissues better, and numerous factors that reduce the body's immune system response. Immunological damage caused by the attachment of Candida to the intestinal wall impairs the permeability of the intestinal mucosa. In this case, the disruption of the intestinal barrier, which is very important, leads to the formation of food sensitivities and allergies. It is the deterioration of intestinal permeability that paves the way for many toxins to enter the body and the formation of chronic diseases.
Causes of Candidiosis?
1- Deteriorated intestinal flora (Dysbiosis)
2- The use of drugs, especially antibiotics; With the use of antibiotics, pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal flora die, as well as non-pathogenic flora bacteria, which causes disruption of the flora balance and an increase in the number of candida. Steroids, painkillers, hormones, cytotoxic drugs and chemotherapeutics are also the most common causes of intestinal flora disruption and candidiasis.
3- Weakening of the immune system; Neurological diseases, immunologic diseases, unhealthy and unbalanced diet, especially refined carbohydrate diet
4- Primary or secondary insufficiency of digestive secretions, especially imbalances in enzyme production due to pancreatic dysfunction.
5- Liver dysfunction
6- Excessive stress and tension
7- Unhealthy diet; Especially ready-made foods, additives, unbalanced nutrition, one-way nutrition, carbohydrate-based nutrition
8- Not drinking enough water
9- Poor oral and dental health, not taking the necessary hygiene measures for oral health
10- Poor quality sleep, sleep disorder
11- Hormonal dysfunction
Candidiosis Symptoms
Intestinal candidiosis is a picture that usually occurs over a long period of time, although there are no findings that may attract the attention of the person at the beginning, but because it is a picture that the person can look at as "normal", its diagnosis takes time. Since the intestines are the second brain of the body and an important part of the immune and hormonal system, candidiasis symptoms concern all systems.
The expected findings in the presence of candidiasis are as follows; Dysbiosis, enzyme deficiency, acidosis, food sensitivity...
Considering this balance and cycle, here are the symptoms we should look for in patients with candidiasis;
Depression, anxiety, depression, irritability, difficulty concentrating,
Complaints such as constipation (constipation), diarrhea, meteorism (gas in the abdomen), heartburn, related sore throat, indigestion, abdominal pain due to intestinal cramps, itching in the anus, irritable bowel syndrome,
Increase in liver enzymes, decrease in pancreatic enzymes, obesity, inability to lose weight
sugar hunger
Halitosis (halitosis), tooth and gum diseases, oral aphthae
Chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, exhaustion, lack of energy, feeling of burnout, malaise,
Chronic pain, fibromyalgia, migraine, muscle contractions, swelling and pain in the joints,
Acne and skin rashes, exacerbation of skin diseases, eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions,
Urinary tract complaints (especially in women), dysmenorrhea, vaginal and fungal infections becoming common, hormonal imbalance,
Prostatitis in men, impotence,
Hyperactivity, learning and behavioral disorders, loss of appetite, recurrent ear infections in children
Diagnosis of Candidiasis
From the point of view of complementary medicine, anamnesis is very important for the diagnosis of candidiasis, as it is in the evaluation of every patient. There is no definitive laboratory diagnosis, but a simple saliva test that everyone can do at home helps us a lot in this regard.
Treatment of Candidiasis
A multi-faceted approach is required when treating yeast fungus. It is unlikely to kill Candida albicans with just one drug. The frequent relapses after the use of chemical antimycotics alone have created holistic treatment protocols made with a complementary medicine approach today. From this point of view, it is aimed to provide a regulated environment for the renewal of the body conditions and healthy bacteria that will cause the death of the yeast.
We can classify the treatment of candidiosis as follows:
1- Combination of herbal and chemical medicine (chemical support is applied only in patients with serious risk group. Treatment covers a long period)
2- A healthy and balanced diet (Especially avoiding refined carbohydrates and all kinds of sweets is an indispensable part of the treatment. Considering that the only food source of candida is glucose, this is very important). In addition, it is very important to have home-made yogurt rich in probiotic bacteria, home-made pickles, home-made kefir, turnips and natural vinegar (such as home vinegar) in the diet. In addition, it is very important to consume foods rich in prebiotics (substances that feed probiotics).
4- Water and physical activity
6- Rectal ozone positively changes the course of therapy in cases with widespread inflammation findings as a result of colonoscopy and suggestive of IBS when the patient's history is taken.
7- Medicinal plants are the most important elements in the treatment of candidiasis. In particular, plants such as Calendula, which have very pronounced antifungal properties, help us a lot here.

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